Ayurvedic Treatment For Facial Palsy At Parijatak



Facial palsy it is also known as Bell's palsy. Partial or complete loss of function of facial nerve results in facial palsy. Due to this results in facial palsy. Due to this patient loses control over the motor functions of the face like the blinking of eyes, chewing of food, talking etc. of the affected side. It usually develops suddenly without any signs & symptoms. 

The patient cannot move any muscles in the affected region. It occurs at any age. The exact cause is not known but its occur due to swelling & inflammation of nerve due to swelling & inflammation of the nerve that controls the muscles on one side of the face. Some people are cured within a few weeks to months but some suffered from this condition for a long time.



  • Stiffness in face
  • Numbness in the affected area.
  • Eating, drinking becomes difficult.
  • The face becomes expressionless
  • Facial Droop
  • Reduced sensation of taste.
  • Change in amount of saliva & tear.

Ayurvedic Aspect

Ayurveda refers to facial paralysis with Ardita. Ardita is the condition caused due to vitiation vata, which turns the mouth face in opposite direction.

Causes of Ardita

  • Speaking loudly over a long period of time.
  • Intake of hard substance like saparies
  • Excess laugh
  • Heavyweight lifting.
  • Improper posture
  • Constant yawning
  • Day sleeping.
  • Injury to vital parts
  • Improper venipuncture.
  • Suppression of natural urges.
  • Injury to veins, arteries & nerves of the face
  • Intake of alcohol.

Due to the above-mentioned factors, vata get vitiated. This vitiated vata occupied in corresponding nerves, arteries & veins of the face causing a disease called as ardia.

Ayurvedic Treatment In Nagpur


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